Designer · Artist · Explorer


I’m out here looking for interesting design problems to tackle.

Experience Design

Active perception and interactions manifest our experiences in space and time.

Architecture, music, film, games, UI; the common denominator is always the human.


Engaging and emotional communication happens through stories.

We relate, understand, and participate across the ether through our shared media.

Design Thinking

I proudly stand on the shoulders of the ones before me.

Through collaborative iteration and experimentation do our ideas evolve.

Critical Design

For we so easily fall into our algebraic habits that we miss the woods for the trees.

Design fiction, “slow” tech and art help us reconnect and reflect.

Mikkel Mathiasen

That’s me right there.

I finished uni recently, and I’m now looking for work.

Experience design, concept development, storytelling, design fiction. Something like that.

Have a browse on this here site, and contact me if you want to work together.


My workflow is characteristic of my background in art, relying on my intuition and my senses. In my work, artistic practices and techniques combine with designerly theory and methodology, making for a tactile and informal design process.


I thrive in a democratic environment, and value openness and communal responsibility. I know the strengths of collaborative effort, and appreciate the contributions of others greatly.

  • Praxis

    My workflow unites designerly theory with artistic techniques and practices.

  • Synergy

    My communication style is accessible and adaptable, inviting cooperation and the exchanging of ideas.

  • Curiosity

    I enjoy the strange and unfamiliar; exploring creativity, ideation and prototyping.

  • Versatility

    My competencies cover areas of art, technology, design and culture, and I have worked many forms of media.


2017 · The Last Tempest

2018 · Neon Dream

2016 · Social 8 ‘tentadress’

Reach me here


(+45) 51 54 88 96

Aalborg Vestby (Denmark)