Designer & ArTist

With a wide range of competencies in the fields of art, design, technology and culture, I am armed for many different challenges. I make Design Thinking and artistic principles come together for a critical and experience oriented design approach.

Coordinating and performing creative work is my forte, with a special interest in aesthetics, the strange and the uncanny.

I also possess managerial skills, with methods for organizational design and strategic thinking. I can provide strategic insights, outline organizational structures and processes, frame and chart projects, and more.

My qualifications:

In 2023 I left Aalborg University with a Masters of Sciences in Interactive Digital Media.

In 2018 I completed my Bachelor of Arts in Art & Technology.

In 2013 I finished a Higher Technical Examination Programme (HTX) at EUCNord

I’ve had temp. work doing carpentry, factory work and pest control.

More details below ↓


Experience Design

For humans are complex systems.

Experience in space and time. Situates Practices
Interaction Design
Aesthetic Experience & Perception
Experience is value


Emotion. Evocation.

Narrative Interactivity
Digital Narratology & Dramaturgy
Multi- & Transmedia Storytelling


To understand with our hands and bodies.

Paper, electronic and virtual prototypes
Wireframing & Mockups
3D Printing & Laser Cutting
Improvisation & ‘Experience Prototyping’

Design Thinking

For ideas to blossom.

Rapid Ideation & Visualization
Concept Mapping & Conceptual Frameworking
Generative & Collaborative Testing
Exploration ⇋ Materialization

Critical Design

To remind our eyes their function.

Design Fiction & ’Slow Technology’
Conceptual Art & Design
Art-based & Design Research
Defamiliarization & the Uncanny

Strategic Design

Internal organization, external orientation

Strategy, Positioning, Fit
Organizational Design
Business Modeling. Activity System Maps


I have experience with:


Sketching and Watercolour Illustration

Rapid Prototyping
3D Printing, Lasercutting

Modelbuilding, Carpentry


Physical Interfaces, Sensors & Actuators
Arduino (C++)

Simple- & Soft Robotics

Poster & Flyer Graphic Design


New Media Art & Cyberspace

3D Modeling & CAD
Maya, Rhino

Virtual Environments

Digital Illustration & Graphic Design
Adobe CS

Video Editing

User Interfaces and Responsive CG
Processing (JS), VVVV

Spatial & Kinetic

Architecture, ‘Spaces’ & ‘Places’

Urban Spaces & Public Exhibition

Improvisation, Bodystorming, Devised Theatre

Installation Art

Lighting & Projections

Augmented & Mixed Environments

Motion Capture & CV
Processing, VVVV


MSc in Interactive Digital Media

2023 | Aalborg University in Aalborg

QA & UR Manager

2019 | DADIU in Aalborg & Copenhagen

BA in Art & Technology

2018 | Aalborg University in Aalborg

Higher Technical Examination Programme (HTX)

2013 | EUCNord in Hjørring